
ジュリアナ・ハットフィールド/Mean And Evil

Mean And Evil

Written by Juliana Hatfield
Produced by Juliana Hatfield

Juliana Hatfield (vocals, guitar, keyboards)
Mikey Welsh (bass)
Todd Philips (drums)
Rich Gilbert (steel solo)

Juliana Hatfield/Bed
(Japanese Edition)

 オリジナルの "Bed"に追加されたボーナストラック 8曲の最後に収められたのが Mean And Evil

 ジュリアナ・ハットフィールドは現在も活動中。詳しくは, Wikiをご覧下さい。

Sentimental sucks
Romantic rots
domestic death
Happiness hell
I hope people and their ugly faces
You hate things and also places
You're so mean
I'm so evil
What's the matter with me?
Nothing's the matter with me
We're the only ones that are really free
I'm not faithful
You don't come home
I don't care
You don't share
You're so mean
I'm so evil
I don't need you
You don't call me
I don't miss you
You don't hug me
You're so mean
I'm so evil

Juliana Hatfield
Born July 27, 1967 (age 43) US