ティム・ハーディン/It'll Never Happen Again
It'll Never Happen Again
Written by Tim Hardin
Originally released 1966 on Tim Hardin 1
Tim Hardin
Hang On To A Dream
: The Verve Recordings
1997,Polydor Records ティム・ハーディンについて詳しくは,Wiki をご覧下さい。
I remember our first affair
All the pain, always rain around my eyes
It'll never happen again; it'll never happen again
Every time I leave you alone
I remember the time I couldn't come home
It'll never happen again; it'll never happen again
Why can't you be where I want you to be?
Why can't you see you've got to change to love me?
I remember our first affair
All the pain, always rain around my eyes
It'll never happen again; it'll never happen again
Timothy James "Tim" Hardin December 23,1941-December 29,1980(aged 39),L.A.,US